Home 2017-10-04T12:06:56+00:00

Why a ‘Martial Leadership’ School?

True leadership is about being first to act to serve others. In our world, the need for positive leadership of self and others is endless. Leadership is required to achieve a goal or an outcome, to overcome a challenge, to create and build relationships and communities, to take a stand against emotional and physical violence, and to cause a positive change in our world.

  • Our practice of Martial Leadership results in the following:
    • we become harder to kill ‘both physically and spiritually’
    • we build our capacity to take positive action
    • we embrace the journey of self-mastery
    • we commit to serve ‘self and others’
  • Our Martial Leadership practice specifically develops:
    • Disciplined Thought
    • Disciplined Choice
    • Disciplined Action

Leadership is not about position, leadership is about service. And to truly serve anything in a meaningful way, requires that you be willing to sacrifice, with a true ability to architect and create the outcomes you want with Discipline – Resilience – Grace.

No Sacrifice=No Service=No Leadership